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Flight Faro

Book your Faro airline tickets and combine Portuguese culture with nature and sunshine.

Faro is the capital city of the popular Algarve holiday region. It is a lively city that attracts many tourists. A visit to Faro is highly recommended. Its cosy downtown has appealing restaurants and shops. In addition, there are many cultural destinations to visit. If you are planning a tour around Portugal, you should definitely include Faro. Airline tickets to Faro will give you plenty of options!

Start your holiday at the vibrant marina where you can enjoy drinks at an outdoor café. Be sure to visit the Maritime Museum in the harbourmaster’s building. Downtown Faro is partially surrounded by beautiful city walls. Within these wall, at the Largo da Se square, is a cathedral with the same name. After many restorations following its destruction by the English in 1596, the current cathedral showcases multiple building styles. Would you like to spend time enjoying the beach as well as visiting cultural destinations? You can drive to beach resorts Albufeira, Carvoeiro and Lagos to enjoy their beautiful beaches. Book your affordable Faro airline tickets easily and quickly at

Practical Information about Faro

Flight duration: approx. 2.45 hours

Time difference: one hour earlier than the Netherlands.

Currency: Euro